Great Futures Riyadh Launch Event

The GREAT FUTURES launch event in Riyadh on 14-15 May 2024 aims to bring to life the sheer scale of opportunities for UK businesses in Saudi Arabia and forge partnerships across a number of sectors by gathering together some of the UK’s most creative and innovative companies with their Saudi business and Government counterparts.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has progressed dramatically in the last ten years, opening up its society and increasing inclusivity. It’s now home to some of the world’s largest initiatives, including the five lead giga-projects, investing more than $3trillion by 2030. Encapsulated in Vision 2030, the magnitude of this ambition, along with the transformation already achieved, has to be experienced in person to be properly appreciated.

The Saudis have respect and appetite for British intelligence, ingenuity, skills, and experience from Architecture to Education, Clean Tech to AI, Luxury to Fashion, and Creativity to Construction. This is a chance to build on this by laying out the UK’s capabilities to the full.

The GREAT Campaign

Riyadh has been chosen for the next GREAT flagship event because:

  1. Saudi Arabia has a unique position in the Arab world as a major political, diplomatic, and economic power in the Middle East.
  2. Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 is driving one of history’s biggest peacetime economic shifts. This is an opportunity for the UK to provide expertise and support with capacity building in Saudi Arabia’s emergent sectors against a backdrop of some of the world’s largest initiatives.
  3. Two-thirds of Saudi Arabia’s population is under the age of 35. Providing work for this demographic is a major focus of Vision 2030 reforms, and our education sector is well-placed to support the development of talent. This growing, young market also provides huge opportunities for the UK’s tourism industry.

Who attends Great Futures in Riyadh?

This exclusive invitation-only event will gather more than 750 of the UK and Saudi Arabia’s most prominent future-shapers and decision-makers across a range of industries. It will be an opportunity for these guests to network and to experience world class creativity and innovation showcasing how UK expertise and excellence can partner to deliver Vision 2030.

Senior UK leaders of businesses, organizations, and educational institutions to join us in Riyadh to participate not only as delegates but as speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors, presenting the very best of what the UK has to offer.

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