8th FII, Future Investment Initiative

This October, from the 29th to the 31st, the 8th FII will ignite discussions on how #investment can serve as a catalyst for a prosperous and sustainable future for humanity, under the theme ‘Infinite Horizons: Investing today, shaping tomorrow.’

The 8th FII, Future Investment Initiative’s theme:  “Infinite Horizons: Investing Today, Shaping Tomorrow”

The Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute announced the theme for its upcoming 8th edition of the FII conference, scheduled for October 29-31, 2024, at the prestigious King Abdulaziz International Conference Centre (KAICC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

FII8 will ignite discussions on how investment can catalyze a prosperous and sustainable future, pushing the boundaries of what is possible for humanity.

The Future Investment Initiative, 8th Edition

Future Investment Initiative and the 8th FII

FII8, organized by the FII Institute and founded by PIF, Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund. FII8 will adopt an innovative format as an exclusive week for FII Institute members invited delegates, and strategic partners. Discussions at the conference will be data-driven, ensuring that insights are grounded in facts and actionable strategies.

The Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute is a global non-profit foundation dedicated to making an impact on humanity. Through our investment arm, we champion innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Robotics, Education, Healthcare, and Sustainability, transforming ideas into real-world solutions.


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