Kurdistan & Iraq

The Kurdistan region of Iraq has the potential to be your gateway to the growing markets of Kurdistan and Iraq, as well as the wider markets of the Middle East and Europe

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Why Invest in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

The Kurdistan region of Iraq has taken advantage of increased interaction with the international community to explore a wide range of economic activity, reserving a lynchpin role for foreign investors, multinational companies, and public private partnerships.

From tourism to manufacturing, to agriculture and transportation, Kurdistan and Iraq are ready to have others play a bigger role in its economic future, which in turn helps buoy the economic base and stability for all of Iraq. The Kurdistan region is indeed the perfect location for a regional base, profitable work in developing infrastructure or launching new businesses outright.

Stronger Kurdistan

Our Services in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

Company Incorporation

Our time-tested process saves you time and money, while removing the headaches of beginning your journey. Because we have the networks.

Legal Representative

Our team of experienced lawyers is well-versed in the laws and regulations. We provide guidance to help you navigate the legal landscape.

Value-Added Services

We offer various value-added services such as offices, recruitment, marketing, tax consulting & accounting, and trademark registration.


We work closely with our established network of investment promotion agencies, government bodies, trade associations and business chambers around the world.

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Business Development

Growing Your Business in Kurdistan

To expand to Kurdistan, you can rely on our partners for credit risk analysis, preparation of business plans and economic and financial feasibility studies. Equally important, we provide advice and monitoring of financing sources as well as preparation of applications to incentive systems.

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Explore Investment Opportunities

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explore kurdish market

Trade Mission to Kurdistan & Iraq

We organize trade missions to the Kurdistan region and Iraq. In order to get to know the Kurdish ecosystem in the shortest possible time, we put together tailor-made programs that include all relevant players, taking your business activities into account.

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What Our Clients Say

International business platform

Kurdistan's Ecosystem

In a raw and lucrative market such as the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, there are definite opportunities; hence, patience and local relationships are essential ingredients to a successful entry.

Attractive Business Climate

The Kurdish business sector is highly internationalized. Therefore, partnerships with local companies offer excellent opportunities to enter other markets.

Middle East Market

Unrestricted access to the Middle East market with its more than 400 million consumers.

Easy Investment Process

Foreign investments in Kurdistan and Iraq do not require previous approval, as a general rule. However, the exception of investments in activities that affect public security, public order and public health.


Let's work together to help you meet your business goals.

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